Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I used to make maps to pass the time
and pretend that the world was mine

Erase the mountains as a mistake
Crumple it up and throw it away

If everyone's treated like an equal
How can everyone be so special?

People begging for the unordinary
With paper and pen it's simplicity

If it's early, like the break of dawn
I want to sit with you on Earth's front lawn

Then with all the drawings I began to observe
that our two lanes could never merge

Then I cried as the president
Blame it all on an accident

With tonight's final whisper
I'll retrace my lakes and all the rivers

I'll try again later tomorrow
So I can disappear from this weeks sorrow


I told him, "I'm a monster" said...

Welp, this was a good blog. But I would like it more if you wouldn't ignore me. BUT, you do.

Alyssa <3 said...

This was a good one :)
I like all the imagry and metaphors
brought in to make its final point, that actualy related almsot ot none of that
good job :P